產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心 (CAiRS) 與 港鐵 (MTR) 合作促進創新可靠性和安全方面的研究交流
2023-06-23 | 最新消息
[香港特別行政區] - [2023 年 6 月]
產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心 (CAiRS) 與 港鐵 (MTR)
產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心 (CAiRS) 與香港鐵路有限公司 (MTR) 簽署合作備忘錄 (MOU),合作促進創新可靠性和安全方面的研究交流。
CAiRS 董事會成員兼香港理工大學工程學院院長文効忠教授說:「今天很高興及榮幸,能夠為CAiRS與港鐵簽訂合作備忘錄。今天的盛事再一次證明CAiRS在短短3年間建立的成果是有目共睹的。今次與港鐵簽訂的合作備忘錄將會就三大範疇 (異常檢測、知識轉移和預測與健康管理) 聚焦研究,相信透過備忘錄簽訂後,將來更多機會共同合作研發先進的人工智能技術,以提升港鐵整體的可靠及安全性。」
備忘錄的簽署標誌著 CAiRS 和港鐵的長期合作夥伴關係的開始。 因此,我們預計將為創新的可靠性和安全性研究的領域上進一步創造新的機遇。
如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵janyeung@cairs.hk與CAiRS的聯絡及策劃經理楊女士(Ms Jan Yeung)聯絡。
CAiRS 由香港理工大學 (理大)創立,並夥拍美國馬里蘭大學 (UMD),匯聚本地及海外頂尖學者專家,擁有先進的儀器設備,配合創新人工智能技術,以進行各項產品可靠性和系統安全研究,務求準確預測故障發生,防患於未然。
The HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar and Training Session on “Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability, and Safety” addresses the crucial aspects to consider, especially with the increasing reliance on energy storage systems (ESS) like lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the Lithium dendrite growth dendrite growth process and revealing its interaction with other components can enable improvements in battery safety. Opportunities for novel information gathering and unique insights into the State of Health and State of Safety for batteries will also be explored. It will also include careful assessment of the thermal and mechanical profiles, certain cell anomalies can be discovered that might go unnoticed by conventional battery aging tests focusing solely on monitoring voltage, current, and capacity.
2024-09-04 | 活動The HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar and Training Session on “Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability, and Safety” addresses the crucial aspects to consider, especially with the increasing reliance on energy storage systems (ESS) like lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the Lithium dendrite growth dendrite growth process and revealing its interaction with other components can enable improvements in battery safety. Opportunities for novel information gathering and unique insights into the State of Health and State of Safety for batteries will also be explored. It will also include careful assessment of the thermal and mechanical profiles, certain cell anomalies can be discovered that might go unnoticed by conventional battery aging tests focusing solely on monitoring voltage, current, and capacity.
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