[新聞稿] 香港科技園 X 艾睿硬件實驗室創新體驗日

2024-06-12 | 最新消息




香港科技園 X 艾睿硬件實驗室創新體驗日

6月12日星期三是香港科技園 X 艾睿硬件實驗室創新體驗日,慶祝香港科技園與艾睿電子有限公司合作第一年的成就,並有機會與各參展商一起探索最新的微電子和電子工程技術。
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我們很高興我們的研究計畫負責人、馬利蘭大學 (UMD) 傑出教授兼CALCE 電子產品和系統中心總監 Michael G. Pecht 教授發表這次活動的兩場主題演講之一,主題是微電子可靠性達標資格。 我們的高級顧問容錦泉教授工程師也擔任活動期間兩個小組討論之一的主持人,主題是微電子創新以及如何將其推向實際應用和市場。

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CAiRS 很榮幸成為香港科技園內充滿活力的創新社群的一部分。我們非常高興能夠參與慶祝社群內的各種成功。

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HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar and Training Session - Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability, and Safety

The HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar and Training Session on “Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability, and Safety” addresses the crucial aspects to consider, especially with the increasing reliance on energy storage systems (ESS) like lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the Lithium dendrite growth dendrite growth process and revealing its interaction with other components can enable improvements in battery safety. Opportunities for novel information gathering and unique insights into the State of Health and State of Safety for batteries will also be explored. It will also include careful assessment of the thermal and mechanical profiles, certain cell anomalies can be discovered that might go unnoticed by conventional battery aging tests focusing solely on monitoring voltage, current, and capacity.

2024-09-04 | 活動
HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar Batter Performance, Ageing, Reliability and Safety

The HKSTP x CAiRS Public Seminar and Training Session on “Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability, and Safety” addresses the crucial aspects to consider, especially with the increasing reliance on energy storage systems (ESS) like lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the Lithium dendrite growth dendrite growth process and revealing its interaction with other components can enable improvements in battery safety. Opportunities for novel information gathering and unique insights into the State of Health and State of Safety for batteries will also be explored. It will also include careful assessment of the thermal and mechanical profiles, certain cell anomalies can be discovered that might go unnoticed by conventional battery aging tests focusing solely on monitoring voltage, current, and capacity.

2024-09-04 | 最新消息
[新聞稿] CAiRS 首次亮相 2024 年日內瓦國際發明展勇奪3金加1項國際發明聯盟協會獎 (IFIA)共12個獎項

CAiRS 首次亮相 2024 年日內瓦國際發明展勇奪3金加1項國際發明聯盟協會獎 (IFIA)共12個獎項

2024-04-23 | 最新消息
[新聞稿] 科技園公司與產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心(CAiRS)攜手推動新型工業化加速本地微電子及先進製造業初創發展

(香港,2023年9月28日)— 香港科技園公司(科技園公司)與香港理工大學(理大)及美國馬里蘭大學於InnoHK創新香港研發平台設立的「產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心」(CAiRS)簽署合作協議,共同協助微電子及先進製造業初創提升必要測試及量產的能力。

2023-09-28 | 最新消息
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