What is the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS)
Vision of CAiRS

The world leading and regional hub for Research in Reliability and Safety Innovation

High level of world renowned expertise in Artificial Intelligence methodologies, industry based cluster data, and reliability & safety modelling and algorithms

Readily available and applicable to different industries (e.g. Public Utilities; Electronics Industry) in Hong Kong with high potential Technology and Commercials impacts that contribute greatly towards the building of Smart City in Hong Kong.

Made in Hong Kong : (World brand in high quality, reliable and safe products, systems & infrastructure)
Who works with CAiRS
Consortium for CAiRS

Prof. Kenneth K.M. LAM, Professor, CAiRS CEO & Centre Director | |||
Prof. Steven BOLES (EEE), Adjunct Professor | Prof. Siqi BU, Steve (EEE), Associate Professor & Associate Head | Prof. Edward CHUNG (EEE), Professor | Prof. Sai-Ho CHUNG, Nick (ISE), Associate Professor & Associate Head |
Prof. Haibo HU (EEE), Professor | Prof. Francis C. M. LAU (EEE), Professor | Prof. Carman LEE (ISE), Associate Professor | Prof. Ka Hong LOO (EEE), Associate Professor & Assistant Dean |
Dr Daniel Pak Kong LUN (EEE), Associate Professor & Associate Head | Prof. Xiaoge ZHANG (ISE), Assistant Professor | Prof. Yui-Lam Chan (EEE), Associate Professor | Ir Prof. Winco K.C. YUNG, Senior Consultant |
*Names are listed in alphabetical order